about the book

Pain, heartbreak, and disappointment. If you’ve been alive for longer than five minutes, then you’ve likely experienced this sad trio at some point, or probably, many points over the course of your life. We all respond differently to these experiences. For some of us pain, heartbreak, and disappointment make us so angry we burn inside with rage. For others, the feelings are not so fiery and manifest as a quiet- dare I say- polite resentment that gnaws in the stomach as you try to smile away the pain. Bitterness is knocking at some of our doors, while it pitches a tent and sets up camp in the hearts of others. The pain of abandonment lives right at the surface of our beings as our souls ache for justice.
Many of us know that forgiveness is the balm for the wounds of our hearts, but knowing is sometimes a lot easier than doing. And In most cases, forgiveness is something that is much easier said than done. This is because, if we are to be honest, forgiveness is hard! Many have described feeling powerless in the face of bitterness, totally unable to defeat it even as it erodes their capacity for love and trust. Though we know about the goodness of forgiveness we still find ourselves unable to grant it. This leaves us with the question: Where is the power to forgive?
In this book, Daniel Addo writes that the answer is simple: The power to forgive is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the message about how God sent His Son to die for those who have rebelled against Him so that they would be in an eternal relationship with Him. Daniel believes that by meditating and thinking deeply about this beautiful message, our hearts can receive the power to let go of our most difficult pains and forgive our most heinous offenders. What Jesus did for us is so powerful and captivating that it frees us from bitterness, enabling us to forgive, and propelling us towards reconciliation where possible.